Looking to Rent a Crane to Get a Project Completed? Here are some things to know.

1. Accurate Measurements
  • How far will the crane be set up from the center of the object it's lifting?
  • Is the object going on a rooftop? What is the height of the building and how far from the building will the crane be?
  • How far in does the unit have to go from the edge of the building?
2. Accurate Lift Weight
  • What is the weight of the object or objects that you are lifting?
3. Overhead Obstructions
  • Are there any electrical lines where the crane will be set up that could interfere with the lift?
  • Are there any trees or other objects that could interfere with the lift?
4. Underground Utilities
  • Are there any underground pipes, tanks, sewers, power lines, etc.?
5. Street Permits
  • Will the crane be set up in the road? If so, you may need a city permit.
  • You WILL need to obtain a permit if the crane will be set up on a street in Chicago.
6. Jobsite Accessibility
  • Is the area wide enough for the crane to get through?
  • Is there anything that the crane will have to drive under?
  • Will the crane be able to make tight turns to get onto the job?
7. Special Rigging
  • Are you going to need any special lifting equipment (spreader beam, chains, special shackles)?
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